Thursday, January 7, 2010

1 Month Old

I can't believe that it has already been one month since I gave birth to this little boy! It is crazy because it seems like I've had him forever, or at least longer than a month. It is funny how milestones, such as him one month birthday, put things into perspective. When we were in the hospital it seemed like we were never going to leave and now that I have been home for two weeks, the two weeks in the hospital feel almost like they didn't even happen! Everyone always says that you could never love someone as much as your child, and I am another one of those people.

I would say that we are pretty lucky with how Bowdy behaves, and I would love to attribute that to the way he "just is", but the truth is that Clay and I are lucky to have sisters that keep me following Babywise guidelines. I truly believe that is why he is on a strict 3 hour feeding schedule with a little wake time after his feeds(I know Janelle, I'll try harder to keep him awake after the feeds) and he sleeps for the remaining 2 1/2 hours in between. I have to give props to the NICU nurses who trained him as well to eat only every three hours, so I got a jump start before having to do it on my own, now I just make sure to not deviate from that schedule. The second week at home has been more challenging for Clay and I as Bowdy is now developing his personality and has found his voice, but overall we are having a blast raising, or monitoring, our child.

Today we were visited by the home health nurse (for the third time in the two weeks we have been home) and he weighed in at 5lbs and 1/2 oz. He will be in a regular car seat before we know it!


  1. yay!!!!!!!! 5 pounds!!!!! I am so happy! I love how well your write:)! I love reading your posts:) Bowdy is sure cute and keep up the awesome work!

  2. wow he is gaining so guick, before you know it he is going to be a little rolly-polly. I know sometimes its hard to stay with the strict babywise schedule, but I am defintitly a fan of it, and before long he will be sleeping through the night
